I had two beautiful, "lifelong friends" come into the studio for a shoot the other day and it made my heart so happy. Too often we forget to celebrate those who are closest to us. We get busy with life, maybe we live far away, or perhaps we think there are more pressing things to deal with right now.
And really, all of it is true and all of it is valid, but I think it's so important to take some time and spend it with the people that are most important to us. A Mother - Daughter bond is unlike any other. As a daughter, inevitably, there comes a time when you realize "Oh my God, I'm turning into my mother!" and then soon after you also realize that it's really a grand thing because you now recognize the strength and depth of character of the woman who raised you. As a mother, the years pass and you get to witness the seeds you've planted day after day take root and grow and blossom into this beautiful lady before you, and your heart is happy and proud.
It is a beautiful love to celebrate, and an important connection to capture in a portrait. This type of portrait only grows in value over time just as a mother-daughter relationship only grows in love.
I love how alike these two are. They have an elegance about them that is in many ways identical. It's like their essence is the same. And really, when it comes down to it, I suppose it is...